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Minding the ‘1 Brand : ∞ Brains’ Relevancy Gap
Listen to Author Rob Scherzer, Innovation and Digital Experience Director If your inbox is also overflowing with MUST-READ article forwards on the next big Deus Ex Machina that’s going [...]
Different Wins this Black Black Friday
2020 started with COVID. By mid-year, the nation was torn apart by social unrest with the murder of George Floyd. And by the end of the year, companies were making bold [...]
Producing Better DEI: How DNA Is Building More Inclusive Productions
My first gig in advertising, over ten years ago, was at a small agency that was heavily male and very white. Although I was part of a female dominated production team, [...]
This Barbie Sees A Bright Future For Female Leaders
I wanted to cry harder at the end of the Barbie movie than I did. But I went with my good friend Jordan and Harper, her ten-year-old daughter who hasn’t experienced [...]
Six Thoughts From the First Six Months of 2023
2023 is flying by. It's been a whirlwind first six months. Looking back, here are a few observations shaping our industry in a rapidly evolving year. None of this is groundbreaking, [...]
The Battle for Equality Continues to be Hard-Fought
How Business Can Support Inclusiveness and Change I think I’m a realist, but there have been a few times in my life when I’ll admit, I’ve been a naïve idealist. Like [...]