Let’s Talk

Category: Perspective

Love Awaits for Gatorade

Nov 22, 2017|

In my not-so-free time, I coach girls basketball and I am president of a girls basketball program here in the Seattle area. Having three daughters, all who participate in [...]

Affluent Millennials

Jul 13, 2016|

thefinancialbrand.com article from DNA's Alan Brown – Marketers have been talking about the importance of Millennials for years as a coveted “segment” or “target audience.” But Millennials aren’t a [...]

Imagine the Possibilities

Dec 4, 2015|

Watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is an annual tradition in our family. All of the younger kids gather in front of the TV, biding their time past anonymous [...]

Turning Love into Money

Sep 24, 2015|

With an improvement in the overall economy, you might think that raising money for health-related charitable and non-profit organizations would be easier. But the opposite is true. As we’ve [...]

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