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Petting Zoo isn’t just a team of internal & external production badasses; it’s a mindset getting our hands dirty and making, no matter what form the idea takes.

Groundbreaking advertising is best told through diverse experiences and mediums. Smaller budgets and tighter timelines are the reality. Standing out amidst a flood of content (let alone WINNING) requires DIFFERENT. Effective advertising relies on cognitive diversity– varied ways of thinking, and problem-solving to drive innovation and effectiveness.

At DNA, we approach production with a maker mindset, relying on diverse perspectives inside and outside the agency to bring the right creator to the job. We will do whatever it takes, driven by a deep passion for creation and intentional team building that goes beyond our walls, extending to a network of diverse, global partners.

Our value for diversity starts with DNA’s core team; we recruit, train and operate with a focus on diverse experiences, opinions and approaches. Our production team extends further by having a deep bench of production partners, freelancers and creators to supplement our core team’s expertise. Without fail, our intentional approach leads to more inclusive, innovative and effective campaigns that resonate with more audiences than they ever would with our staff alone. This is the spirit of how we think and produce–bringing together producers, creators, and subject-matter experts who think, feel and make differently. That is the foundation of Petting Zoo, DNA’s production arm.

Petting Zoo isn’t just a team of internal and external experts; it’s a mindset that leverages our team’s various backgrounds and passions, getting our hands dirty and making, no matter what form the idea takes. This core-team-plus-partner model enables us to execute diverse projects across mediums with agility and creativity, maintaining a consistent vision throughout. It allows us to be experimental, hands-on and nimble, moving quickly and creatively in problem-solving.

DNA’s producers are creatives with a different set of responsibilities for bringing ideas to life. We’re a collection of mothers, game show creators, musicians, sports enthusiasts, filmmakers, line producers, chefs, gamers and storytellers. Our common denominator: we love to make things, especially things that haven’t been made before. We’re constantly looking for new ways to tell our clients’ stories and different partners and creators to help us get there.

Take Pabst Motel, for instance. DNA launched “Pabst is the Place” by transporting beer drinkers back to timeless gatherings, complete with a Midwest motel takeover for an immersive PBR experience. Petting Zoo executed every touchpoint of the campaign. We worked with the designers and fabricators at Hotopp to create our motel rooms. Claire Buss helped direct the video and Pico Sound provided the nostalgic jingle. We worked with a wide range of influencers across music, sports, food and other niches to amplify the work. All facets of production run through DNA; we’re the central point of creative output, controlling quality every step of the way.

Our passion is to create through collaboration. We’d love to see what you’re cooking up, and we (along with the thousands of creators in our Petting Zoo network) can’t wait to help!

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