Love Awaits for Gatorade

In my not-so-free time, I coach girls basketball and I am president of a girls basketball program here in the Seattle area. Having three daughters, all who participate in competitive athletics, I sometimes get caught up in pushing them to be the best and lose sight of why I wanted them to compete or be part of a team in the first place.
The recent campaign from Gatorade “Sisters in Sweat” is a great reminder about the power of sport. It also delivers on all the principles we try to adhere to when Uncovering Love for a brand: It’s true to who they are, it speaks on a shared values basis, and it’s about their customer not about themselves.
And though brands like Nike have played in this area before, Gatorade has found a fresh, yet authentic way to elicit emotion. I know I teared up sitting at my computer watching this for the first time thinking about my girls.
It goes to show you that in this results-driven world where we struggle to gain clicks, likes, shares, and ultimately sales; if you can tell your story with a bit more humanity. A little more thought about the relationship you want to have with your customers. The end-product will not only be better. It will truly have heart.