DNA Launches #MerryGIFmas

Bad gifts leave a taste in the mouth as unique and visceral as a stocking full of black licorice. Wouldn’t you rather get coal? With coal, you can skip the whole grotesque charade of feigned gratitude.
Why run around town buying nerdy socks for your acquaintances when you can use an animated GIF to conjure that same feeble, exquisite anguish?
Introducing #MerryGIFmas, DNA’s one-stop online shop for paltry last-minute tokens of appreciation.
Share them with your in-laws! Share them with your frenemies! It’s DNA’s gift to the world. Because, unlike a big tub of stale popcorn, a bad GIF just keeps on giving.
Head on over to giphy.com/dnaseattle to peruse our robust catalog of festive offerings.